My Services

What I Offer

From the comfort of your home or office to ensure your most relaxed state,
all sessions are done through Zoom.

For your Zoom session, please be:

- In a well lit, quiet, and comfortable environment where you will not be disturbed

- Seated in a comfortable chair at a desk or table at which you can place your arm comfortably on that can be seen on screen

- Connected to reliable internet on a device with a camera and microphone

- Hydrated with a small protein-based snack prior to session if you haven’t eaten

Don’t let finances stop you from receiving the help you need. Please, reach out to me and explain your financial situation.

Free Phone Consultation

Hypnosis is a powerful and effective therapeutic technique that can help you, whether you are struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, phobias, addiction, chronic pain, bad habits, or other issues.

Through this process, you will begin to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors on a deeper level, gaining new insights and perspectives that can help you break free from old patterns and behaviors while enjoying a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

15 minutes for you to ask any questions you may have while we learn how well we work together before you book your first session.

First Hypnotic Session (Zoom)

Are you ready to start making changes?

The first session allows you to learn a little more about what hypnosis is and experience it through guided relaxation and other techniques.

With continued practice and guidance, hypnotherapy can help you to achieve your full potential and live your best life. So, if you are ready to start your journey of personal growth and positive change, schedule this first session today to discover the transformative power of hypnosis.

Follow-Up Hypnotic Sessions (Zoom)

For returning clients.

This session is an opportunity for us to build on the progress you have made since your last session and continue to work towards your goals with commitment to your personal growth and well-being.

Similar to how exercise strengthens the body and results come best with a regimen, hypnosis is the same for the mind. The more you do it, the better it works. With continued practice and guidance, hypnotherapy can help you to achieve your full potential and live your very best life.

Group Sessions (Zoom)

Group sessions are an introduction to hypnosis for various different topics.

This will work well for some while others would benefit from 1-on-1 sessions curated specifically to the wants and needs of their subconscious. Like exercise, some do great in groups while others do better working out as an individual. Like exercise strengthens the body, results come best with a regimen. Hypnosis is the same for the mind. The more you do it, the better it works. With continued practice and guidance, hypnotherapy can help you to achieve your full potential and live your best life.